Varieties of Melons

Charentais (Okanagan)
Grown in BC
From the Charantes region of France, this small bright orange flesh melon is flavourful, with a more intense, and distinct aroma.
Cantaloupe (Okanagan)
Grown in BC
Jul – Aug
This wonderfully delicious and unique sweet flavoured melon is an all time favorite.
Honeydew (Okanagan)
Grown in BC
Jul – Aug
Our Honeydew melons are simply one of the best reasons we love sourcing locally grown BC products.
Watermelons (Okanagan)
Grown in BC
With its mouth-watering sweet pink flesh, it’s always the go-to fruit for a refreshing summertime treat.

Procurement Solutions International
Fresh / Delicious /World Class Produce
#108 2220 Sooke Road. Victoria, B.C. V9B OG9 Canada