(778) 432-3004 orders@psiprocurement.com


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you buy from local farmers?

Yes, we always strive to support our local farm community. From helping them source specific seed or plant varieties and developing the best ways to grow the crop to maximize the eating experience to the customers.

What certifications does PSI have?

  • Members of the DRC
  • Member of the CPMA
  • CanadaGAP certification
  • SFC certification

Does PSI have experience in sourcing fresh produce?

Yes, each member of Procurement Solutions International has years of experience, knowledge and comes from a background in sourcing fresh produce. We will travel globally to find the best product available by region. At PSI we all share a passion for sourcing quality, ethically grown, and nutritious products.

Biodegradable packaging

PSI is working towards a cleaner environment and making changes to their packaging when possible. Currently our cherry bags as well as our apple bags are biodegradable.

Our apples now offer a truly innovative bag using ENSO RESTORE organic additive. You have a choice; recycle the bag in any city program or put it out in your garbage for local landfills. The bag will quickly start to decompose using the natural microbes in the soil, consuming the bag to its basic elements.

We are truly excited to lead sustainable food packaging in a positive direction, returning our packaging back to humus and supporting landfill energy recovery.

New BIO Cherry Bag
Fresh seasonal produce orange tree

Procurement Solutions International 

Fresh / Delicious /World Class Produce


#108 2220 Sooke Road. Victoria, B.C. V9B OG9 Canada